(A preface, please understand with a wink)
At this point, we deliberately avoid the usual marketing slogans such as “natural reproduction” or “fine resolution and impressive dynamics” etc.
Why? Because it goes without saying that every product should be developed sensibly and only brought to market when it is well made.
Whether a loudspeaker, subwoofer or amplifier sounds good is ultimately ALWAYS down to the perception of the respective “listener”. This is completely individual and cannot be described in words, so we’ll save ourselves the pompous marketing jargon that many of our competitors like to use. What do our products sound like? Answer: Go to a specialist dealer and try them out – everything else is nonsense.
However, we would like to share one of our tips with you: 100% result consists of 50% product and 50% acoustic quality of the room.
If the demonstration room in which you test-listen to products is acoustically optimized, but your living rooms, in which the system will subsequently play music, are completely untreated, the result in your home may differ significantly from that of the test listening.
Please also ask your specialist dealer about the room acoustics!
If it sounds significantly worse in your rooms than at the specialist dealer’s in the demonstration, then please do not start a material battle and do not immediately invest INCREDIBLY in even more expensive amplifiers, even more expensive speakers or even more expensive cables etc. – if the listening room has poor acoustics, THAT is what needs to be done first. Anything else is often just a waste of money.